Italian Dictionary

Phrase Meaning Pronounce
Signer Mister or Sir see-NYOR
Signora Mrs. or Ma'am see-NYOH-rah
Signorina Miss see-nyoh-REE-nah
Buon giorno Good day or Good morning BWONE JOOR-noh
Buon pomeriggio Good afternoon BWONE poh-meh-REE-joh
Buona sera Good evening BWO-nah SEH-rah
Buona notte Good night BWO-nah NOH-teh
Ciao Hello CHOW
Benvenuto Welcome ben-veh-NOO-toh
Arrivederci Goodbye ah-RREE-veh-DAIR-chee
A piu tardi Untillater ah / PEW / TAR-dee
A domani Until tomorrow ah / doh-MAH-nee
Buon viaggio Have a good trip BWONE / vee-AH-joh
Comesta? How are you? KOH-meh/STAH
Moltobene Very well MOLE-toh / BEH-neh
Si Yes SEE
No No NO
Con permesso Excuse me (leaving the table) CONE / pair-MEH-soh
Scusi Excuse me (bumping someone) SCOO-see
Perfavore Please PAIR / fah-VOH-reh
Grazie Thank you GRAHT-see+eh
Prego You're welcome PRAY-goh
Mi displace I'm sorry MEE / dees-pee-AH-chah
Entri Come in EN-tree
Sisieda Sit down SEE / see-EH-dah
Posso? May I? POH-soh
Mipermetta Allow me MEE / pair-MEH-tah
Vabene Okay VAH / BEH-neh
Buona fortuna Good luck BWO-nah / for-TOO-nah
Buon appetito Enjoy your meal BWONE / ah-peh-TEE-toh
Salute! Cheers! sah-LOO-teh
Mi chiamo (name) My name is (name) MEE / key-AH-moh...
Come si chiama? What is your name? KOH-meh / see / key-AH-mah
Sono di (city, state, or country) I'm from (city, state, or country) SOH-noh / dee ...
Sono il presidente di (company) I am the president of (company) SOH-noh / eel / pray-see-DEN teh / dee ...
Sono il direttore di (company) I am the director of (company) SOH-noh / ell / dee-reh-TOH reh / dee ...
Sono il gerente di (company) I am the manager of (company) SOH-noh / eel /jeh-REN-teh / dee ...
Mia moglie, (wife's name) My wife, (wife's name) MEE-ah / MOH-yeah ...
Mio marito, (husband's name) My husband, (husband's name) MEE-oh / mah-REE-toh ...
II mio collega My colleague, (name) EEL / MEE-oh / koh-LEH-gah ...
II mio amico, (name male) My friend, (name male) EEL / MEE-oh / ah-MEE-koh ...
La mia arnica, (name female) My friend, (name female) lah / MEE-ah / ah-MEE-kah ...
Piacere Nice to meet you pee-ah-CHEH-reh
Piacere mio The pleasure is mine pee-ah-CHEH-reh / MEE-oh
Lavoro per (company name) I work for (company name) lah-VOH-rah / pair ...
uno one OO-noh
due two DOO-eh
tre three TRAY
quattro four KWA-troh
cinque five CHEEN-kway
sei six SAY
sette seven SAY-teh
otto eight OH-toh
nove nine NOH-veh
died ten dee-EH-chee
undid eleven OON-dee-chee
dodici twelve DOH-dee-chee
tredici thirteen TRAY-dee-chee
quattordici fourteen kwa-TOR-dee-chee
quindid fifteen KWEEN-dee-chee
sedici sixteen SAY-dee-chee
diciassette seventeen dee-cha-SAY-teh
diciotto eighteen dee-CHOH-toh
diciannove nineteen dee-chah-NOH-veh
venti twenty VEN-tee
ventuno twenty-one ven-TOO-noh
trenta thirty TREN-tah
quaranta forty kwa-RAHN-tah
cinquanta fifty cheen-KWAN-tah
sessanta sixty say-SAHN-tah
settanta seventy say-TAHN-tah
ottanta eighty oh-TAHN-tah
novanta ninety noh-VAHN-tah
cento one hundred CHEN-toh
duecento two hundred DOO-eh-CHEN-toh
trecento three hundred TRAY-CHEN-toh
quattrocento four hundred KWAH-troh-CHEN-toh
cinquecento five hundred CHEEN-kway-CHEN-toh
seicento six hundred SAY-ee-CHEN-toh
settecento seven hundred SAY-teh-CHEN-toh
ottocento eight hundred OH-toh-CHEN-toh
novecento nine hundred NOH-veh-CHEN-toh
mille one thousand MEE-Ieh
II menu, per favore. The menu, please. eel / may-NYOO / pair / fah-VOH-reh
Vorrei (supply food) I want (supply food) voh-RRAY-ee
Vorrei questo I want this, (point to food on menu) voh-RRAY-ee / KWAY-stoh
Bencotta Well done, (meat) BEN/KOH-tah
Avete? (supply food or drink) Do you have? (supply food or drink) ah-VEH-teh ...
II conto, per favore. The bill, please. eel / CONE-toh / pair / fah-VOH-reh
Con ghiaccio With ice CONE / ghee-AH-cho
Niente altro Nothing else nee-EN-teh / ALL-troh
Un altro po, per favore I want more, please oon / ALL-tro / POH / pair / fah-VOH-reh
Vorrei bere (supply drink) I would like to drink (supply drink) voh-RRAY / BEH-reh ...
Vorrei mangiare (supply food) I would like to eat (supply food) voh-RRAY / mahn-JAH-reh ...
Magnifico Magnificent mah-NYEE-fee-koh
Carino Pretty kay-REE-noh
Delizioso Delicious deh-leet-see-OH-soh
Mi piace ... I like ... MEE / pee-AH-cheh
Non mi piace ... I don't like ... NOHN / mee / pee-AH-cheh
Brutto Ugly BROO-toh
Cattivo Bad Kah-TEE-voh
MioDio! My gosh! MEE-oh / DEE-oh
Parla Inglese? Do you speak English? PAR-lah / een-GLAY-seh
Non capisco I don't understand NOHN / kah-PEES-koh
Ripeta Say it again rree-PAY-tah
Parli piano Speak slowly PAR-lee / pee-AH-noh
Lo scriva, per favore. Write it, please loh / SCREE-vah/ pair / fah-VOH-reh
Capisce? Do you understand? kah-rEES-sheh
Non parlo italiano I don't speak Italian NOHN / PAR-loh / ee-tah-lee-AH-noh
Quanto e? How much? KWAN-toh/EH
Quanto costa? How much does it cost? KWAN-toh / KOH-stah
E troppo. That's a lot. eh / TROH-poh
No, grazie. No, thanks. NOH / GRAHT-see+eh
Mi dia quello, per favore. Give me that, please MEE / DEE-ah / KWAY-loh/ pair / fah-VOH-reh
Posso vederlo, per favore. Show me that, please. POH-soh / veh-DAlR-loh / pair / fah-VOH-reh
Lo prendo I'll take it. loh / PREN-doh
Vnglio I want VOH-yoh
Ho bisogno di aiuto I need help oh / bee-SOH-nyoh / dee / ah-YOO-toh
Ho bisogno della polizia. I need the police. oh / bee-SOH-nyoh / DEH-lah / poh-leet-SEE-ah
Ho bisogno di un dottore. I need a doctor. oh / bee-SOH-nyoh / dee / oon / doht-TOH-reh
Ho bisogno di un dentista. I need a dentist. oh / bee-SOH-nyoh / dee / oon / den-TEE-stah
Ho bisogno di un interprete. I need an interpreter. oh / bee-SOH-nyoh / dee / oon / een-TAIR-pray-teh
Non mi sento bene. I don't feel well. NOHN / mee / SEN-toh / BEH-neh
Sono malato I'm sick. SOH-noh / mah-LAH-toh
Mi porti a una farmacia. Take me to a pharmacy. MEE / POR-tee / ah / OO-nah / far-mah-CHEE-ah
Ho bisogno di un telefono. I need a telephone. oh / bee-SOH-nyoh / dee / oon / teh-LEH-fo-no
Phrase Meaning Pronounce